


FORMAT: Paperback
ISBN: 9781872405711
RRP: £10.00
PAGES: 165
PUBLICATION DATE: January 6, 2021


Ka, the Ring and the Raven

By Richard Hallewell

Ka, a jackdaw, discovers he can talk to other birds and animals – including people. Rather than bringing him the benefits he might have hoped for, this ability leads to his exclusion from his own family and drives him to undertake a long and dangerous journey in search of a seemingly mythical figure: the Old Raven. In the course of his travels he visits places and meets characters he could never otherwise have imagined, and reaches a fuller understanding of his own behaviour.

In this, his first novel, Richard makes use of his extensive knowledge of Britain’s countryside and natural history – much of it gained during the thousands of miles he has walked researching walking guides – to create a charming adventure story which should appeal to children and adults alike.

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